11 September 2007

Just Another (Manic) Monday

Random intro note: I just got my hair cut -- took like 5 inches off and feel like a new person. I managed to find a salon here with a guy who actually knows what he's doing (although he doesn't serve me chai lattes...or put conditioner in my hair...)

So anyway...I don't teach on Mondays, so was spending a leisurely morning yesterday prepping for the week's lessons and watching old episodes of the West Wing. At 9:30, I hear, "Miss Terri! Miss Terri!" and loud banging on my door. My apa had apparently told her to come get me from the house and tell me to go to school as quickly as I could. I have no idea why I"ve been called, so I frenetically pull on school-appropriate clothes and run out the door. On the way, I juggle thoughts of Apa getting sick, my vice principal dumping some new class on me, some random American coming (maybe from USAID or the like), or -- what seems most plausible at the time -- I've somehow gotten myself into trouble. But then I show up at school and see a 10th form girl and her mom waiting on a bench. Apparently I'd been summoned to give the girl the 3 minute English "entrance exam" (which, since being handed off to me, consists of extremely difficult things like "What is this? (while holding a book or pen)" and "Tell me about your family"), even though there was another English teacher at school that day who could've given it to her. I was a little ticked, and so rewarded myself when I got home with another cup of coffee and 3 additional episodes of West Wing.

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