01 September 2007

Back to School

So today my school held its "First Bell" ceremony this morning, thus officially beginning the school year. Although I can't say that I'm quite ready to deal with apathetic students and surprise 7:30 am meetings, I couldn't help but get that hooray-school's-back! feeling that's hit me every August since that one in 1989 when my mom dressed me in my purple rainslicker and strapped on brand-new backpack and sent me off to kindergarten. Plus, this year, I wasn't the so-green-it's-almost-painful-to-watch new kid and so got to do fun things like rave about how much some of my boys have grown and laugh to myself about some pretty unfortunate new haircuts (the mullet never really went out of style here). It's nice to remember that I have a community here, even if it drives me batty sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Hello, there, Ms. Taylor. My name is Alex Aftino and I'm a final year university student in Romania. I found your blog accidentally, while browsing blogger. I found your occupation (or career choice) rather interesting and I was wondering what were the reasons behind you leaving the US to live in Kyrgisztan. I mean, I've always wanted to help people, but (unfortunately - and I am not proud of it) I don't think I would be able to make this kind of a sacrifice. Thank you. Alex

Anonymous said...

Good words.