27 June 2007

Summer lovin' (for showers and my fan)

It's hot in the South. Really hot. 110 degrees Farenheight hot. And when you're riding in a crowded shared taxi, sandwiched between plump ladies, fidget-y kids, and sprawled out men, it seems even hotter. I often catch myself giving small Kyrgyz kids the evil eye because they are allowed to run around in their underwear and splash in the canals without reprimand. The tiniest ones can even lose the underwear. Oh, to be young.
The soaring temperatures mean that my schedule is kind of strange. On the days I don't have anything particular to do (which happen pretty often now that school's out for the summer), it's something like this:
6:30-7:30 am: Wake up, make coffee (I'm currently enjoying the Tanzanian stuff given to me by my favorite new UVa med student), and listen to music whist dancing around in my underwear (and yes, I realize how cool this makes me...but don't pretend you don't do the exact same thing on occasion)
9 am: Venture outside, eat breakfast (usually something freshly-picked from the garden) with my family
10 am-1pm: Run errands before the heat renders me incapable of sustaining any physical activity.
1-7 pm: Sleep, pretend to read a book
7-11 pm: Join the living again, eat with the fam on the 'tapjan' (raised outdoor platform with cushions where we eat in the summer; men sit Indian-style and women side-saddle it), play with the little ones (our new favorite game: making shadow puppets on the wall), and -- if I'm really lucky -- take a 'sun shower' (a spigot attached to a tub of water which is heated outside by the sun). I've taken 3 showers in 4 days and am nearly delirious with happiness. Whoever said that cleanliness is next to godliness was on to something...
11-1 am: Read, watch movies, eventually fall asleep.
Yesterday afternoon, though, I took a major step in the battle against the heat by buying a big standing fan. I've been sitting in front of this marvel of modern invention for hours at a time and can feel my stamina returning. Bring it, summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had some of the Tanzanian good stuff this morning in honor of you! Maybe when you get home we can build one of those raised platforms to eat on and run around in our underwear (although I don't think i want to loose mine...)